PICL Compiler Options

HI-TECH Software PICC Compiler V8.01PL2
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OptionUsed to
-processorDefine the processor e.g. -16F84, -16F627
-A-optionSpecify -option to be oassed directly to the assembler
-AAHEXGenerate an American Automation symbolic HEX file
-ASMLISTGenerate assembler .LST file for each compilation
-BINGenerate a Binary output file
-CCompile to object files only
-CKfileMake OBJTOHEX use a checksum file
-CRfileGenerate cross-reference listing
-D24Use truncated 24-bit floating point format for doubles
-D32Use IEEE754 32-bit floating point format for doubles
-DmacroDefine preprocessor macro e.g. -Ddebug=1
-EUse "editor" format for compiler errors
-EfileRedirect compiler errors to "file", e.g. -Etest.err
-E+fileRedirect and append compiler errors to a file
-FAKELOCALGenerate MPLAB specific debug information
-GfileGenerate enhanced source level symbol table
-HELPDisplay this table
-ICDCompile for MPLAB In-Circuit Debugger
-IpathSpecify a directory pathname for include files
-INTELGenerate an Intel HEX format output file (default)
-LlibrarySpecify a library to be scanned by the linker
-L-optionSpecify -option to be passed directly to the linker
-MfileRequest generation of a MAP file, e.g. -Mtest.map
-MOTGenerate a Motorola S1/S9 HEX format output file
-MPLABSpecify compilation and debugging under MPLAB IDE
-NORTDo not link standard runtime module
-NsizeSpecify identifier length
-OEnable post-pass optimizer, reduces code size substantially
-OfileSpecify output filename and type "file". The file type may also be specified.
  -OX.HEX generates a hex file,
  -OX.BIN generates binary and
  -OX.UBR generates UBROF.
-PPreprocess assembler files
-PREProduce preprocessed source file
-PROTOGenerate function prototype information ".PRO files"
-PSECTMAPDisplay complete memory segment usage after linking
-qSpecify quiet mode
-RESRAMrangesReserve the specified RAM address ranges.
-RESROMrangesReserve the specified ROM address ranges.
-SCompile to assembler source files only
-SIGNED_CHARMake the default char signed
-STRICTEnable strict ANSI keyword conformance
-TEKGenerate a Tektronix HEX format output file
-UsymbolUndefine a predefined preprocessor symbol
-UBROFGenerate an UBROF format output file
-VVerbose: display compiler pass command lines
-WlevelSet compiler warning level (-3 to 9, default 0), e.g. -W-2
-XEliminate local symbols from symbol table
-ZgEnable global optimization in the code generator
Usage:PICL [options] [files] where [options] consists of 0 or more of the options above and
[files] consists of any mix of C, AS and LIB files. If no options or files are specified, the user will be prompted.

Converted to HTML by Philippe Corbes (Email:philippe.corbes@laposte.net) 11/11/2002.