The sci functions and macros to implement asynchronous communication on the Serial Communication Interface (SCI) module.


   1 Setting Up
   2 Asynchronous Function Definitions
   3 Examples
   4 Using Interrupts

1) Setting Up

The file sci.h should be #included into your source files. This file contains a macro which specifies the Fosc frequency. This affects the baud rate calculations and should be adjusted to suit your application.

2) Asynchronous Function and Macro Definitions

unsigned char sci_Init(unsigned long int baud, unsigned char ninebits) This function is used to set up the appropriate registers associated with the sci module. Specify the desired baud rate. If this is possible using the current value of Fosc, the value specified will be used - see the PIC manual for details on baud rate selection. If ninebits is true, 9-bit data values will be used for both transmission and reception. The function returns true if the desired baud rate could not be achieved; false otherwise.
These macros can be used with sci_Init() to indicate eight- and nine-bit communication, respectively.
sci_PutByte(unsigned char byte)
This function is used to send an 8-bit quantity to the SCI. The function first waits until TXIF is set then loads the transmit register.
This macro is used to send the ninth bit to the SCI when in nine-bit data mode. It should be called before calling sci_PutByte().
unsigned char
This function waits until the receive register is not empty and returns the received 8-bit data.
unsigned char
This function waits until the receive register is not empty and returns the received ninth-bit when in nine- bit mode. It should be called before calling sci_GetByte() as the ninth bit is lost after calling this function.
unsigned char
This function waits until the receive register is not empty and returns the received frame error status bit. It should be called before calling sci_GetByte() as frame error information is lost after calling this function.
unsigned char
This function checks for an overrun error and resets the receiver, by toggling the CREN bit, and returns true if this has occured. The function returns false if no error occured. If an overrun error occurs, the receiver is completely disabled.

3) Examples

// 8-bit mode at 9600 baud using polling

sci_PutByte(0xaa);	/* send 0xaa when device is ready */
data = sci_GetByte();	/* read data when device is ready */

// 9-bit mode at 19200 baud using polling

sci_PutNinth(0x00);	/* ninth bit is zero */
sci_PutByte(0xff);	/* and data is 0xff */

	; /* bit nine was true */
data = sci_GetByte();	/* get 8-bit value */
	; /* an overrun error occured */

4) Using Interrupts

To use interrupts with the SCI, there are several things which must be attended to. Firstly there must be an interrupt service routine which can process the interrupts when they occur. There can be only one interrupt routine associated with the PIC processor and so this routine must be able to service any interrupt which occurs, not just those associated with the SCI. The following example shows an ISR which handles reception and transmission. The RCIF, TXIF, RCIE and TXIE bits can be used to ascertain what caused the interrupt. In the example, if the receive register is full (RCIF), a character is read from the SCI and echoed back to the source. If the transmitter is empty and the transmitter interrupts are enabled then another byte from a message is transmitted. If all the message has been sent, the interrupts are disabled to prevent further transmission. If any other interrupts are enabled, the code to handle these will also have to appear in this ISR.
unsigned char byte, i;

void interrupt isr(void)
		byte = sci_GetByte();
		sci_PutByte(byte);	/* echo char */
	if(TXIF && TXIE)
		if(message[++i] == '\0')
			TXIE = 0;	/* finished */
The interrupts can be enabled by setting the appropriate bits in the INTCON register. To use the SCI, enable the PEIE bit. If other interrupts are to be used, set the bits corresponding to these interrupts in this register. The global interrupt enable bit must also be set. The TXIE and RCIE bits can then be used to mask and unmask the interrupts at various points in your code.
sci_Init(9600, SCI_EIGHT);

PIR1 = 0;	/* clear any pending interrupts */
PEIE = 1;	/* enable perhipheral interrupts */
GIE  = 1;	/* global interrupts enabled */

/* perform other setup */

RCIE = 1;	/* unmask receiver interrupts... */

/* an interrupt could now come from the SCI receiver
at any time. */

/* process data read in, if any */

RCIE = 0;	/* mask receive interrupts */

/* no more interrupts can come from the receiver */
See the PIC appropriate manual for further details on the use of PIC interrupts.
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